Search-Clicks – Echte Klicks für Deine Website-Optimierung -

Boost your Google ranking with real search clicks!

✅ Higher CTR: Real user clicks effectively increase your click-through rate.

✅ Better rankings: Specific search queries improve your rankings.

✅ Higher visibility: Your visibility increases and your brand grows.

How to buy targeted SERP clicks

We let real users search for your keyword & click on your search result.

SEO Klicks registrieren

1. Register free of charge

Register for free: We provide you with 20 search queries free of charge. No payment details required.

2. Enter keyword & snippet

Enter the keyword you want our users to search for. Select the search result that should be clicked on.

3. Let real users search

Our users search for your keyword, click on your website and perform a verification or solve a task.

The solution for SEOs

Behind are real people searching for your keyword on Google.

This brings organic traffic to your website and increases the click-through rate.

A high click-through rate on the search results page can be an important ranking signal for your website.

We have over 20,000 active clickers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland with high-quality IP addresses.

Active clickers

per SERP click

Searches per day possible

Why bots cost more than you think

You may be wondering why a link clicker bot costs more in the long run even though it initially seems cheaper than search clicks. The catch is that there are hidden costs. For example, bots often fight in vain against Google’s advanced systems for detecting fake clicks. They regularly fail at challenges like CAPTCHA, especially reCAPTCHA, which was developed by Google.

More seriously, your website could be penalized by Google because they suspect you’re artificially inflating your CTR with bots. This can mean that your links hardly appear in the search results.



Parts of the country



KI -

Supported algorithms

gestützte Algorithmen



Precise keyword rankings

Genaue Keyword-Rankings



Keyword database




Backlink profiles


Integrations with search clicks

Connect the SEO information from Search Clicks with other data sources to achieve optimal results.

Google Search Console
Looker Studio
Google Business Profile

What impact does the click-through rate have on your rankings?

A study from MOZ a few years ago showed how Rand Fishkin catapulted his website from #7 to #1 in under 3 hours. This was due to clicks on his search results.

The clicks were from real people and increased his click-through rate. This experiment provided the first evidence that CTR on the search results page is a significant ranking factor.

We provide you with “last clicks” from real users

“Last click” means a click on your website with which the user ends their search session. So he no longer returns to the Google search results page.

Within your website, the user clicks a button or completes a task.

You can create individual tasks in multiple steps that the user has to go through. At the end he answers a question or solves a task. This reduces the bounce rate and improves the length of stay.

Real clicks, real success: Search Clicks

Search-Clicks offers you a reliable alternative to bots. We use real people who search for keywords on Google and specifically click on your links. With over 100,000 hand-picked clickers using a dedicated browser extension, we ensure every click is real. If they click on the right link, we will reward them for it.

High quality IP addresses

Each of our clickers uses a local, high-quality IP address. VPNs or proxy servers are taboo as Google can easily detect such methods.

Active worldwide in all languages

Search-Clicks is a global service. We have clickers from all over the world, so you can customize the location and language for your orders.

Free trial with no risk

We invite you to try Search-Clicks for free before deciding on a package. Our test version is fully functional and gives you immediately measurable results.

Your advantage with search clicks

More visibility and reach
With search clicks you not only increase your CTR, but also improve the visibility and reach of your website. Our real clickers naturally increase the relevance of your links in search results.
Protection from Google penalties

In contrast to bots, you are on the safe side with search clicks. Google recognizes our clicks as genuine, minimizing the risk of penalties. This means long-term protection and stability for your online presence.

Flexible and tailor-made solutions

Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, we offer flexible solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our service is easy to implement and provides immediate, measurable results.

Buy clicks from search clicks

You know that Google’s complex search engine algorithms use many factors to determine a link’s rank in the SERPs. A crucial factor here is the CTR (click-through rate), which is essential for the ranking of your links. To boost the CTR of your website links on Google, using search clicks is a brilliant idea. We rely on 100% real people who specifically search for terms that are relevant to you and click on your website links. But why is Search-Clicks so much better than a regular URL clicker bot? Discover now why Search-Clicks is the best online service where real people search for your keywords on Google and click through to your website. This leads to significantly better Google results. Our service is secure, fast and easy to implement. Test Search-Clicks today and see for yourself the effectiveness and reliability of our offer!

Why SEO experts from more than 150 countries choose us

For more than a decade, our customers’ feedback has been the driving force behind the growth and development of Search Clicks.

4.5 rating


5.0 rating


5.0 rating


5.0 rating


“We came across Search Clicks at the beginning of 2022 when we were looking for a clear analysis, monitoring and reporting solution for our customers. Since then, the “all-in-one” SEO tool has been firmly anchored in our toolbox.”

Mason Reynolds

“I particularly appreciate the automated reports. They can be customized right down to the customer level and of course offer the opportunity to design them according to your own ideas.”

Emma Johnson

“The tool carries out the central analyzes for us in the areas of keywords, backlinks and on-page. In addition to the impressive price-performance ratio, the support is an absolute plus point.”

Ethan Mitchell

“Search Clicks zählt zu meinen bevorzugten SEO-Tools: Leistungsstark und benutzerfreundlich – die ideale Unterstützung für meine täglichen SEO-Aktivitäten.”

Ava Williams

“As the owner of an agency, I can fully recommend the SEO tool Search Clicks. It offers a practical and uncomplicated method for analyzing and optimizing the digital footprint of a website.”

Jackson Anderson

Frequently asked questions

How do clicks relate to bounce rate?

Clicks that immediately close the page are useless.

Therefore several steps are possible:

  1. The user searches for your keyword.
  2. He clicks on your page.
  3. He clicks a button, selects a product or clicks on a link.
  4. On the following page he solves a verification task.

Each user calls up at least 2 pages and carries out a task in the form of verification on the 2nd page.

Is there a guarantee that my rankings will increase?

We cannot guarantee that a higher click rate will automatically lead to better rankings. However, there are many signs that speak for this.

While backlinks and content remain the dominant factor in search engine optimization, Google appears to be moving towards user feedback signals such as engagement, dwell time and bounce rates in recent years.

Where do the search queries come from?

We have a large network of micro-jobbers who carry out manual search queries for a fee.