It cannot be denied that the internet search landscape is constantly evolving. Google, the search engine used by around 92% of all web users, continually updates its search algorithms to provide a better user experience – especially for mobile users.

While it is possible to drive more visitors to a website with paid ads like PPC marketing, it is wise to focus most efforts on increasing organic traffic.

Why promote organic search referrals?

Some mistakenly assume that organic traffic is meaningless because it can simply be “bought” through various marketing and advertising means. However, organic traffic will always be the most important way to bring visitors to a website.

Why? The answer is simple: Organic traffic is an important means of determining whether a website is functioning as it should. Additionally, organic traffic helps you build an audience and keep your marketing costs low.

The path to organic SEO success is important, but not easy

There is a fact you must keep in mind: Organic search engine optimization is harder to achieve today than it was a few years ago. This is due to a combination of the following factors:

There is no viable alternative to organic search

Another fact to consider is that there is currently no alternative to organic search (and probably never will be). The simple truth is that when people want to answer a question, they enter their query into a search engine.

Most people don’t automatically visit directories (remember those?), and they also won’t always find the answer to their questions on Wikipedia. Google and other search engines remain the definitive way for internet users to find answers to their questions.

Organic traffic is highly qualified

When someone searches for something in a search engine, they receive relevant results. If one of the top links leads to a page on your website, those people are highly likely to click on it or navigate to it.

Now consider what could happen if you pay for placements with Google Ads. Theoretically, your ads should appear for relevant search queries – but that’s not always the case. Consider the following example:

In contrast, if someone searches for “cartoon fish wallpaper” or “fish wallpaper,” such organic search referrals are more relevant – and thus, you will have highly qualified leads on your website.

The secrets of SEO traffic success

Now that you understand why organic traffic plays such a crucial role in increasing visitor numbers to your website, you undoubtedly want to learn the “secrets” of SEO traffic success. The truth is, there are no secrets, just proven techniques with common sense.

Below is a definitive description of what you should do to generate SEO traffic:

Keyword research

Arguably the most important step in improving a website’s SEO begins with keyword research. You need to find out what people are searching for and what is most likely to make them click or tap on your website links.

For example, if you operate a website selling computer parts, people might be searching for things like:

You can use tools like the Keyword Planner in Google Ads and even Google Trends for inspiration.

Identify all search engine query opportunities

Have you noticed that Google no longer displays just ten blue links on the search results pages? The search engine undoubtedly tries to transform itself from a search engine into a knowledge database in multiple ways.

For example, it displays a box of related questions and answers below the top search result. Additionally, other related visual elements like images are displayed on the right side of the desktop search engine results pages (SERPs).

In this sense, you should also consider other ways of search engine queries to increase your organic SEO visitors. Optimized images and videos are one such way to increase your visitor numbers.

Optimize your content

Your content must provide a useful and rich user experience. Did you know that there are many ways to achieve this goal? Pages with lots of text, images, and videos, for example, provide a better experience for your visitors.

An on-page table of contents is also a good idea for detailed pages, such as guide articles, as well as a comparison table. Other measures you can take include optimizing your meta description tags and the right keyword density for each page.

Optimize your links

Both internal and external links are crucial for increasing your organic SEO. All links, internal and external, should be relevant. The goal is to increase user-friendliness by making navigation on the website easier, which in turn improves your search engine ranking.

Regularly check for “dead” internal links or external links leading to pages that no longer exist on your website. For the latter, you should use “301 redirects” to direct visitors to current, relevant content.

Monitor your search engine rankings

An important task you should regularly perform is monitoring your search engine rankings. You can use many SEO tools to check where your pages rank for specific search terms and keywords.

This way, you know which pages are well-positioned and where there is still room for improvement. You should also monitor your search engine rankings in conjunction with an analytics tool like Google Analytics.

Paid SEO techniques to improve organic SEO

While the focus should be on improving organic SEO, it may also be beneficial to combine your efforts with paid SEO techniques to achieve better results and a higher ROI. Here are three strategies you should consider:

Online sponsorship

You are already familiar with techniques like PPC advertising. But did you know that you can, for example, collaborate with social influencers to increase website traffic? Make sure to collaborate with relevant influencers for online sponsorship.

Online collaboration

Another idea is to collaborate with another brand and launch a joint marketing campaign. One idea could be to sell a limited-edition product set containing your product and something else from another brand that complements your offering.

Organic clicks from SERPs

Lastly, consider paying for organic clicks from relevant SERPs. This is because Google uses clicks or taps on SERPs as part of its search algorithms to weigh certain results.

Learn the basics of generating organic SEO traffic and how purchasing real organic clicks from real people (not bots) can be an effective SEO strategy

Let’s be honest: the last thing you want is a Google penalty because the search engine detects suspicious activity regarding your website links. This can harm your SEO standing and even the reputation and credibility of your brand.

Therefore, it makes sense to generate real organic traffic by having people click or navigate through relevant search queries to your website. Search-Clicks is the only service worldwide that ensures real people visit your pages through relevant search queries.

How does Search-Clicks work?

Search-Clicks has a hand-picked and verified collective of over 100,000 people from all countries and languages to help you increase your organic SEO click goals. All search queries and clicks/taps are 100% genuine and real, and no bots or VPNs are used.

When you place an order through the Search-Clicks website, real human “clickers” relevant to the region and language you specify begin searching for the keywords you want and click through to your website.

The Search-Clicks clickers use a web browser extension that records when, what, and how they search, making all orders traceable and verifiable. When the clickers visit your website, they will surf on the page for at least 60 seconds.

You can also specify an internal page for them to visit after clicking or tapping from Google to your website. Once they have completed the task, they simply close the browser tab with your website and do not click back or return to Google in the same browser session.

Learn more about how Search-Clicks can increase your organic click-through rate (CTR) and improve your SEO rankings with a free and non-binding test.

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